The Levelling Up Awards recognise those organisations, businesses and charities that have shown commitment to boosting opportunities in their communities. MPs and businesses across the UK have nominated organisations, charities and individuals in 14 different award categories at the Levelling Up Awards and the winners were announced via live stream this evening.
The Awards were hosted at Darlington Hippodrome, with cross-party backing from Chancellor Rishi Sunak MP, Robbie Moore MP, Dame Margaret Hodge MP, Guy Opperman MP and others. The Levelling Up Goals Awards are Co-Chaired by former Minister for Public Health Seema Kennedy OBE and Peter Gibson, MP for Darlington.
Co-Chair of the Levelling Up Awards Peter Gibson MP said “Levelling up can be a reality for communities up and down the UK. These awards show the fantastic work already going on to level up our communities from digital skills to health. This is a crucial moment for our country and it is brilliant to celebrate some of the work underway in our communities to build back better.
“I am delighted that Skerne Park Academy have been recognised for the incredible work that they do.”
Kate Chisholm, Headteacher of Skerne Park Academy said “I cannot begin to express what it means for Skerne Park Academy, it’s staff and pupils and also the community to be recognised for this award.
“We are humbled to have been nominated and are thrilled to have been selected as winners.”
The categories are based around the ‘Levelling Up Goals’ launched earlier this year by former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening. The Goals provide a benchmark for activity focused on driving equality of opportunity from early years through to careers, alongside barriers such as the digital divide, health and infrastructure.
Seema Kennedy OBE said: “A huge congratulations to our winners who have shown that they are playing a key role in helping their communities level up. Accelerated by the pandemic, we are seeing a massive shift in expectations of organisations within society and the 2021 Levelling Up Goals Awards celebrate those that are leading the way in being truly purpose-led.
Former Education Secretary Rt Hon Justine Greening said: “The Levelling Up Goals are the UK’s first levelling up architecture and give a clear benchmark for organisations to measure their impact against. Levelling up is something that needs to be addressed throughout the UK and it's great to see so many influential organisations and leaders at the forefront of the agenda.
“I’d like to congratulate all the winners of the first Levelling Up Goals Awards and thank them for their commitment to levelling up.”
The Levelling Up Goals Awards are sponsored by the Harrison Centre for Social Mobility, which supports organisations across the UK that work with young people to achieve their potential.